
Based in Missouri

Fax: 1 (800) 856-9143


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Dr. Ogle will respond within 48 business hours.
*Please note: she cannot give medical advice via email.


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Here are some AMAZING healthcare professionals that Dr. Ogle recommends

  • Kristen White, RD - specializes in food sensitivities and inflammation
  • Emily Wendt, RD, CEDS - specializes in disordered eating and sports nutrition
  • Lindsay, RD - specializes in PCOS
  • Brittany RD, MS - specializes in gut health
  • One Bite Nutrition - multiple dietitians focusing on optimizing nutrition to improve or control several health conditions (including diabetes)
  • Sarah, RD, MS, CDCES - focuses on busy moms; specialized in diabetes education
  • Bamboo Nutrition - compassionate providers that help you navigate disordered eating, diabetes, gut health, hormonal concerns, pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Steph Wagner, RD - specializes in patients who have had bariatric surgery. Offers group and 1:1 plans!

  • Ra Suh
  • Stacy Conley
  • Bamboo Nutrition - trauma informed therapists who help you navigate disordered eating, body image, anxiety, depression, PTSD and more.

  • Rachel Lynn - poised with her personal experience having Type 1 Diabetes since 2004, Rachel is an expert Diabetes Coach
  • Sarah Townley, PharmD - after practicing clinical pharmacy for 8 years, Sarah started her own program focused on reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Link to each website in

Nobody does this alone...

COPYRIGHT ©   |   Missouri Metabolic Health   |   dr. Lindsay Ogle